Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Charlie Brown

This is my happy song from Mylo Xyloto. Plus it reminds me of my bro-in-law so it makes me smile whenever it comes on. Today I need lots of smiles. Half a Snickers? Okay :) And actually, I had a lovely surprise waiting for me when I got out of my exit interview. Cheers for pumpkin lattes from good friends!

Jam session last night. It's been a while since I've had one. Actually, I think it was late spring. That's too long for a musician to go. Warming up is always different. At least for me. Sometimes I just sit there not motivated. The guitarists and keyboardists can lead their own song by themselves. Plink away here. Strum there. A song forms. Drummers, notsomuch. So I sit. And wait. Because when I start going it gets insanely loud. I think boy drummers like that aspect. Trying out some new songs started out intimidating but once you cut loose...there's really no description. I love how formatic it is. Trying to hit the right tom at the right time. Trying to play outside the box. So hard when natural rhythm kicks in. I explained it to someone like a puzzle. It can complete a song or completely destroy it. I play how I feel. I use intuition. Sure, I wish I was more learned. If I put in the time and money, I could be. But for the most part, I like how I play. It's simple. But always there (except for the total bummer mess-ups hahaha). It builds when it needs to and fades away when called for. It's me.
There are three things in my life that really portray who I am:
My name.
My clothes.
My drumming.

If my life had a time signature, it'd be 3/4 to 6/8. Like Paramore's My Heart. But without the emo screaming...

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