Tuesday, October 18, 2011

1 John 4:7&8

Now I have that insanely cheesy song I learned from VBS stuck in my head. At least I memorized a scripture, right? Oh, the days of Father Abraham and The Lord told Noah to build him an arkey-arkey.
Experienced something new today. Being called a rather hateful name is something I'm not used to. I can only recall being called a really rude word once in my life. Today, another one came my way. And you know what? It made me feel sad for the person whose lips it came out of. I didn't do anything to warrant it. He just has so much anger in himself, he thought he'd feel better if he tore me down. It's too bad.
I'm thankful I didn't let it hurt me. I'm thankful that I'm not angry like that. I'm thankful God is bigger than name calling. I'm not saying this like I'm exempt from being angry or even petty name calling. It's a lesson, though. 
Here's to lessons.

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