Friday, September 11, 2009

Because I should be working...

It happens. You wake up and BAM. "Where am I?" Those few moments between sleep and awake can be quite alarming. I've been living there for a few weeks now. Haha. But it's getting better, I swear.
This place that I'm at, this new life I've chosen, is definitely different from anything I could have ever imagined. But I love it. I honest-to-God do. Because it's different. And I'm a creature of much habit who becomes too complacent with being content in my scene of normalcy. That can get a little dangerous.
So things are shaking up a bit.
Have you ever been sitting on a couch and just realize that your life could seem so meaningless? I'm really hoping you're saying "yes" so I'm not the only one. I've been struggling a little with this lately. Mostly because emotions are awesome. And guilt and fear is something that can consume your entire being. But there's a power bigger than emotion, and I'm learing to grab onto it again. I can't deny that I'm right where I'm supposed to. I just kind of wish I could get a little further ahead just a wee bit faster. Oh, the desires of the flesh. How wonderful. Haha.
And that's me. This is where I've been. And these are a few things I'm looking forward to:
Fall. Fall fall fall. Everything that comes with it. And spending it with my amazing husband in our too-big but kick-butt house.
Getting back into my regular exercise schedule. It MUST happen.
Finding out what's really living inside Megan's wall. I think it's a trapped house elf.
Renewing my drivers license and being able to get the little heart put on it for organ donor.
Getting closer with my family. Who ever thought that would happen?!Learning. I thought I already knew everything. Boy, was I wrong.
Stars Hollow.
Wearing sweaters and sweatshirts. Nothing beats comfy clothes.
Bringing out my "warmer" parfumes for the cooler seasons.
Getting a new microwave.
Pumpkin-flavored anything and everything.
New music from Paramore, Muse, and 3DG. Heck. Yes.
Letting go. And letting God.

Ah thank you.
Grace be with you.

1 comment:

  1. Pumpcakes. Mmmm...If you opened a pumpcake shop WITH your family members, you could create a variety of pumpkin-flavored treats while getting closer to your family members. We could even listen to your new music while we bake! So, what say you?
